Our Library

Twenty-first century libraries have developed into vibrant centres of inquiry. Our library was renovated in 2013, to create a contemporary space worthy of the expanded purpose of contemporary libraries. Resources in the Sunnybrook School library include over 14,000 volumes, including fiction, non-fiction, periodicals, encyclopedias, and other reference materials.

Information literacy, research skills, and reading pleasure are the principal goals of the library program. All classes enjoy a weekly library period with our teacher-librarian. Beginning in JK. students have the privilege of taking books home. The library is the hub of the school, welcoming students before and after school, as well as during the school day.

An important aspect of inquiry based learning is research. Our full-time librarian works actively with teachers to complement classroom learning in literacy and research and the development of research skills is an integral part of library class. An SBS research continuum was developed by our teacher-librarian to assist teachers in developing research skills in our students. Using the extensive library resources, as well as IT based resources, our students experience their library as a key place for learning and finding answers. In this way the SBS Program of Inquiry is alive in the library as it is in students’ home studios.

Enrichment programs such as author visits are planned and promoted by our teacher-librarian, who is active in enhancing student learning in many ways. Children are encouraged to visit the library to borrow books for personal reading, as well as for projects and guidance on research or book selection. We invite parents to come to the library for advice about reading choices for their children.

The library hosts our Homework Studio on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 3:50 to 4:30 p.m. This quiet, friendly time allows our students in After Care to complete their homework before they are picked up.

Parent volunteers make an enormous contribution to the success of our library program.